Private Readings
Astrology readings any where in the World
Only £120 for 90mins via Skype.
Call 07767 810889 if you are in the UK or e-mail for elsewhere
For more information on Alison's readings or to see what people say about her click here
To watch a video trailer about the Astrology Reading Cards click on the image
Starry Messengers
Alison's first book was a limited first edition and that has now sold out. But it was re-published as the `Future in the Stars` and there are still a few personally signed copies of this for sale.
See the `Publications For Sale` page
on this website
TThe Future in the Stars
See the Publications for Sale page
on this website to buy this
Click here to see review of
`Future in the Stars`
in Paradigm Shift
Click here to read a review of
`Future in the Stars`
on the RealAstrologers website
Around Birmingham, Nottingham and the Midlands. For general public, W.I., Round Table, Masonic Lodge, schools, universities social groups, spiritual or holistic groups etc.
After many years of teaching groups and seminars, Alison is skilled at amusing, interesting and engaging after dinner speeches or public talks.
Recent engagements include the Lichfield 41 Club, Rutland Women`s Institute, Annual Ladies Lodge Dinner, Alzheimer's Support Group, Round Table dinner, pagan camp and Summer festival.
The talk can be scientific, with interesting facts about the Universe and recently discovered phenomena. For instance, did you know that 96% of the Universe is missing? And scientists have found a hidden dimension that underpins our world and connects your body with an invisible web of 'dark matter'
Or it can be light hearted with a humorous look at Sun Signs and hints of how to understand your loved one.
Perhaps you would like a fascinating lecture on Easter Island and the puzzling statues that stand 70 feet high and weigh hundreds of tons? How did they do it?
Or what about the mysterious Night Shining Clouds - electric blue, luminous clouds that appear in dark twilight around the Summer Solstice only? Scientists are baffled and can't explain them.
The talk can last for as little as 30 mins or up to 4 hours.
"Everyone enjoyed your talk, it was very clever as it involved all the guests - even if they didn't believe in astrology they couldn't help but take notice when their starsign or their close family's star signs were mentioned. We will always remember you as part of our ruby anniversary celebration so we will be talking about you for many years to come." June and David's Ruby Wedding Anniversary, Coleshill, February 2012
"Thanks again for an excellent evening. Members of were thoroughly entertained, you mixed very well with the club members and I think the duration of your talk was just right. You are obviously enthusiastic and passionate about your field of work and the Club would certainly recommend you as an after dinner speaker”. J.G. Soc. Sec. Lichfield 41 Club
"Thank you so much for your excellent talk last night. It was pitched just right, had a good mix of science and fun, the ladies I spoke to thoroughly enjoyed it." - Rutland Womens Institute Conference
"We chose to have a humorous talk on star signs and their typical traits in the family members. We all roared with laughter as we recognised things about our husbands and children. Very entertaining but also very accurate. The ladies were amazed. We will certainly recommend you." M.A. Loyal Travellers Lodge Ladies
"I saw Alison at the Mercian gathering doing her talk on 2012. I found the talk incredibly interesting - and really enjoyed the way she debunked the biggest conspiricy theories, while adding a touch of humor and awesome drawings! I can't wait to hear her do another talk" Ian, 2010
Please ring Alison on 07767 810889 or e-mail |